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About DCK
来源:中邦咨询    关注:


 Our retailers have the option of choosing one of our branded ranges: Freedom or Diva, or having a range tailor made exclusively for them.

  We are constantly updating our ranges with the latest trends as well as ensuring that all outlets are managed to a consistently high standard.
DCK Concessions is one of the worlds leading high street fashion jewellery retailer, operating with over 15 retailers in 33 countries. We source more than 60 million pieces of jewellery each year allowing us to offer the most exciting and on trend styles on the high street.
Our brands speak for themselves including Freedom, the much acclaimed range sold in Topshop and Selfridges as well as Diva in Miss Selfridge, Daisy & Eve in Evans, Dorothy Perkins, and many many more.
We manage excellent relationships with our host retailers creating fantastic sales results driven by the strongest ranges in the industry. Our extensive Design, Buying and Supply Chain resource is second to none and the reason we are so far ahead of the competition; and the go-to concessionaire for so many key High Street brands. Even if you’ve never heard of DCK Concessions, you are undoubtedly already familiar with our product, and a fan of what we do.
For current Billericay office based recruitment opportunities please contact jobs@dckconcessions.com

or for retail field based roles please contact retailjobs@dckconcessions.com


业务范围涵盖BSCI、Sedex、WRAP、ISO系列认证、BRC、GRS等350+项目。 服务领域包括模具,电子,玩具,服装,塑料,五金,陶瓷,食品,家具,电器,鞋类,以及商贸公司等企业。中邦一贯秉承”贡献专业价值,助力客户成长”的服务理念长期致力于帮助帮助企业优化流程、提高质量、 破除贸易壁垒、赢得全球市场!

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